As most of you who follow what we have been doing in Prague will know, we will be leaving the city and our work at ICP at the end of October. The church here were told this after the service yesterday. The latest news is that we have an interview for a new post at the end of September. Probably best not to say who this is with for the moment, but we would appreciate your prayers for us as we travel to the UK on September 18th. There are lots of practical issues for us to deal with before we can leave, so we would also appreciate your prayers for these.
SImon is working on a small groups study about personal evangelism at the moment, the first draft is finished and he will be 'testing' this with our house group over the next few weeks before finalising it. He is also preaching at ICP this coming Sunday, so prayers for both of those would be welcome.
On Saturday, we went with some friends, Jeff and Kathleen, to a castle to the north east of Prague for a Highland Games. A little bit surreal to be surrounded by people in kilts and other garments of tartan in 30+ degrees heat - and to hear all of them speaking Czech. It had the works, bagpipes, tossing the caber, highland dancing... A really enjoyable day out.