Friday, 11 June 2010

Courses, summer...

This coming Sunday sees the last session of the Study Centre's course, "What is the Church?"  During this course, we have looked at some of the biblical images used to describe the church; what God expects the church to be doing now; as well as look at three of the important eras in the church's history: the first three centuries, the Reformation and the rise of modern Evangelicalism.  We finish this Sunday with a look at the future of the church.  This has been an interesting course to be part of, with the historical part being led by Jim Barnes, an American missionary in Prague who runs the Christian Library here.
Simon will also be preaching at ICP on Sunday, the first in a series on 1 John. The reason for this is that John Waldrop, the senior pastor, is on leave and then taking a short sabbatical.  During that time, Simon will be acting a senior pastor.  Please do pray for him over this period as he not only performs ordinary church tasks but also prepares for next year's Study Centre courses.