The last couple of weeks I've been working on a series of studies for ICP on spiritual gifts. Next Sunday, 20th, is Welcome Sunday here as the new academic and church year starts. For the following four weeks we are hoping and praying that as many people as possible will follow this study so that they come to understand what their gifts are and begin to see where they can use them. At the end of the study, we will be holding a Missions and Ministry Sunday with various opportunities for service available as we encourage everyone to get involved in the task sharing the message of the gospel. The studies are available for download from the Study Centre website (http://sites.google.com/site/icpstudycentre/) for anyone who is interested.
We are also about to start two other courses. On Monday evenings, we will be running the "How to Read.." course that we first ran at ICP in the spring. This is open to people from churches all over Prague, please do pray for a good number of people to be involved. this starts the first Monday evening in October. On Sunday mornings, we will be starting a course called "Introduction to the Old Testament" which is exactly what it says!! I am working on the study booklet for that and we begin on September 27th. The full study booklet for "How to Read..." is available from the website as is a short information leaflet on the OT course.
We do appreciate your prayers for these courses, that the right people will attend and that they will be encouraged and built up in their faith.