Thank you to all who came along but all who worked so hard in putting the programme for the service together, especially to Steve Sowden for leading in such a sensitive and appropriate way and to Derek Burnside for a challenging and encouraging message. Not only did the service strike the right note, but the food afterwards was great! I was asked by a couple of people if I could leave again!
It was a real privilege to be sent off to Prague with the blessing and prayers of BHC, but especially so as we were able to share the service with Rob, our son, and his wife, Lucy, who are off to Hebron School in India on Wednesday to work as volunteers for 6 months. Please do pray for them. Pray also for Kristina and Jon, our daughter and son-in-law as they remain in Exeter.
Do pray also for BHC as they seek a new pastor, details are on the church's website at