We are into our final course of 2009 on Sunday mornings, looking at "The Mission Heart of God". The planned Monday evening course had to be cancelled this time as we didn't have enough people signed up. Please pray that we will have renewed - and increased - interest once we start again in January. The Monday class will either be the "Mission" course we are doing at the moment on Sundays, or the "Introduction to the Old Testament" we had planned to run, depending on interest. As with all our classes, information and materials are available on the website, www.icpstudycentre.cz.
ICP starts its Advent series on November 29th and Simon will be preaching on Psalm 23 on December 6th, as well as speaking at the Christmas Eve Candlelight service. Please pray for him as he prepares these talks. Also pray for him as he speaks at the Riverside School Christmas service on December 10th.