Friday, 24 April 2009

Office update

Not only have we started our first course, but we have also some offices!! ICP has rented an extra office at IBTS which allows us to be together with the other people working for ICP which is great. We are very thankful for the space this has given us to work. It is in wonderful surroundings and easy to reach by public transport. There are, of course, a number of things still to sort out with setting everything up, but we are making good progress.

First Course

Last Sunday we started our first ICP Study Centre course. This is a short course in the basics of Bible study and will last 6 weeks. Based on the book, How to Read the Bible for all its Worth, we are covering some of the techniques and skills that we all need to be able to gain the most from God's Word.
At the moment, this is only available to ICP members and is taking place before our Sunday morning service. Last Sunday, there were 10 people there which was a really encouraging start. Please do continue to pray for us as we move on with other plans including a leadership seminar in July that will be aimed at both Christians and non-Christians.