Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Final Week

Last Sunday was my final Sunday morning at Beacon Heath Church.  Quite an emotional time really; we have been here for over 8 years and leaving is not easy.
At the moment, we are trying to make sure all our packing gets done ready for the van on Saturday!!  Boxes everywhere in the house and there always seem to be more things that have to be organised and more people to contact about leaving.  I don't remember it being this complicated when we went to the Faroes or to India.
Please pray for safe journeys for both of us to and from Prague next week.  And please also pray for the Commissioning service on 11th.

Sunday, 21 December 2008

On Thursday this week, my brother signed our rental agreement for the flat in Prague!  We are very grateful to him for all the time he has put in helping us sort where we will be living.
Our house is also now rented out and the agreement signed; the tenants are members of one of the local churches so we are very grateful to God for his provisdion there.
Our leaving is coming up rapidly now, every day sees our saying goodbye to someone!!  Very mixed emotions; excited at the prospect of leaving and sad at who we leave behind.
Please conitnue to pray for all the final practical details that have to be put in place before we can go.

Friday, 12 December 2008

Answered prayer

Thank you all for your prayers for us as we prepare to move to Prague.  Time seems on the one hand to be moving very quickly and on the other at a snail’s pace!!  In our prayer letter we asked you to pray specifically for people to rent our house and for us to find a flat to live in; praise God that this past week has seen both of those prayers answered!

We are planning to pack a van with our furniture etc on Saturday 3rd Jan – if you are able to lend a hand with that we would be very grateful.  Russell and I are then driving it out to Prague.  Dorit is flying out to meet us there and then staying for a couple of days to sort things out while Russ and I drive back.  Please do pray for a safe journey.

After our commissioning service on 11th Jan, we are going to drive Rob and Lucy to Heathrow on 14th; I then have a couple of meetings arranged related to the proposed Study Centre and we will fly out to Prague about 19th Jan.  We aim to start work properly for ICP on 1st February.

First Post

Welcome to our blog about the ICP Study Centre.  As time goes by, we will try to keep you up to date on what is happening in Prague as we set up and run the new study centre attached to the International Church of Prague.

Details about the church can be found on its website at www.internationalchurchofprague.cz .